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Learn About Living in Costa Rica

We are more than a real estate team. We feel as a big family and we always like to meet to share our ideas and perceptions about life, about Costa Rica, our activities, our daily life, our kids, our job, our clients, etc. We like to talk about simple things as which restaurants are better, the last road who has been paved in town, who won the surf contest and where to get the special organic oil for an insect bite! We are from all around the globe and we all moved abroad for a better life. Some of us are Canadians, some are Americans, some are native Costa Ricans, some are Europeans. We are also a mix of Catholics, Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhists, and deists! We are a colorful team, happy to be living the dream life in Costa Rica! We all chose Guanacaste to live our lives with our families.

By reading our blogs, you will feel different perceptions, different cultures, different religions within the same office. But all of us share one thing: we love our lives and we are very happy to work together and live the Pura Vida life!

Enjoy your reading :-)

Staff Writer
Jun 23, 2017
When people move to Costa Rica, and mostly in the Tamarindo area, many ask us if there is a place to practice their favorite sport such as a gym, yoga or to practice their combat sport. Many people think that because they are in the tropics, the only sports available are surfing and trekking under the coconut trees. Some like this kind of training...
Stacey Watson
Jun 16, 2017
THREE TIERS OF MANAGEMENT FOR YOUR CONDO OR HOME 1. HOA - This stands for Home Owners Association. They are the organization that manages the condominium. It is made up of the individual owners in the project and they share the responsibility to manage the common areas. This group often hires an agency to do this management for them and is...
Jun 14, 2017
(PRWEB) June 02, 2017 - RE/MAX Ocean Surf and Sun, one of Costa Rica's leading real estate agencies, announces the launch of a completely restructured website designed to fit the ever growing portable device market. "Our website statistics indicated that over 60% of visitors to...
Chris Spears
Jun 06, 2017
Having a baby, that's a big deal. Having a baby in Costa Rica, what do you know about that? That's what we're gonna do today, we're going to talk about having a baby in Costa Rica and give you the ins and outs of what to expect. My name is Chris Spears, I just had a baby and so we thought that would be a perfect topic to do a blog about. Let's...
Chris Simmons
May 24, 2017
Growing numbers of Europeans are boosting Costa Rica’s healthy tourism industry. Costa Rica receives nearly 2.9 million visitors annually and is by far the Central American leader in tourism for its spectacular beaches, stable political system, friendly locals and incredible natural beauty. While Americans account for approximately 40% of visitors...
Alejandro Amador
May 18, 2017
Every time you visit a new country or a new location, you want to shop for souvenirs. We have lots of that in Tamarindo, there are all kinds of things to bring back home as cool hardwood kitchenware, t-shirts etc .The difference is when you actually decide to live here, your needs change from souvenirs to clothing, shoes, groceries, electronic...
Derrick Poelsma
May 15, 2017
If you are an avid diver thinking about relocating to Costa Rica, Guanacaste is an excellent destination for scuba diving. The year-round warm waters and the vast array of sea life here are absolutely amazing! I am from Florida and used to dive a lot in the Keys and Southwest Florida. It definitely has its beauty, but it's nothing like what we...
Courtney Borquet
May 04, 2017
CEPIA is a nonprofit organization located in Guanacaste. CEPIA stands for Culture, Education, and Psychology for Infants and Adolescents. The association helps children and their families that live in poverty. Currently, the association touches the lives of over 800 children. There are programs that provide uniforms to children, schools supplies...
Isabelle Emond
Apr 21, 2017
I am Canadian from Quebec, accustomed to a medical system with poor service. In Quebec, it is not uncommon to wait 2-3 years on a waiting list for an appointment or surgery, even if it’s something serious.  It’s never important enough to have a quick appointment unless you are just about to die. I am used to never getting a full diagnostic...
Staff Writer
Jan 29, 2017
Costa Rica is an amazing land full of its share of beauty and naturals wonders, and visiting or living in Costa Rica has always come with a measure of excitement and fascination. Traveling to Costa Rica however, has not always been easy. There are wonders to see and do in almost every region and Guanacaste, in the northwest section of the country...
Isabelle Emond
Jan 18, 2017
I thought I could share this great commentary published in the CNBC paper. It's always good to have real feedback! Unlike some foreign nations, Costa Rica has nothing to worry about; state-of-the-art services are available here in all branches of medicine and dentistry. Costa Rica has both public and private healthcare sectors. Every town...
Derrick Poelsma
Oct 14, 2016
Food, glorious food. You might be thinking. What does food have to do with real estate? Well my friends, it gives us basic sustenance. The older we get, the more we appreciate having variety and options in our choices of what we eat. On a hot day, it helps to know that the area you have chosen to live has places where you can purchase gelato or...
Estela Reyes
Oct 04, 2016
La economía costarricense ha ido dando un giro bastante significante en los últimos años y en especial a finales del 2015 y lo que va de este, según algunos estudios y estadísticas de economistas costarricenses para periódicos como El Financiero y La Nación han dado su punto de vista y experta...
Chris Spears
Aug 27, 2016
Look at these questions and imagine yourself asking them of a prospective Real Estate Agent in Costa Rica. Have you ever built a house in Costa Rica? Have you ever visited the Municipality and applied for building permits? Have you ever met with contractors and negotiated prices? Not only looking for the lowest price from...
Stacey Watson
Aug 16, 2016
Are you thinking of investing in property in Costa Rica and using it as a vacation rental? That is a great idea and one that many people have profited from over the years. This idea allows you to buy a property at it’s best price and then use it to bring in revenue for yourselves. It might be that you are in the beginning of a 5 year plan to...
Aug 04, 2016
  COSTA RICA ranked #1 again in the Happy Planet Index as one of the happiest places on earth to live.  Costa Rica ranked first in both the the 2009 and 2012 editions. Those of us who have the incredible good fortune to live here are not surprised.  We enjoy a very high standard of living in a...
Jul 23, 2016
Tired of being stressed, pressured at work or stuck in traffic for hours? if you are reading this blog, it likely means that you are going through the process of changing your lifestyle. Well, then you just knocked on the right door. Costa Rica and more specifically Tamarindo and the area where we, REMAX agents, are working. It is the place where...
Jul 20, 2016
  I have been reading a lot online recently about the world economy, the terrorism, the politic in the world, and all of what is published on the thousands of news websites. The world had changed so much since I am young that I have the impression I am 95 years old but I am actually just 43.  When my parents were bringing us in...
Jul 19, 2016
J-10, c’est l’heure du Bilan ! Après 80 jours passés au Costa Rica, je peux dire que ma façon d’être et ma façon de penser ont énormément changées. Jeune fille de 20 ans, n’ayant jamais quitté la France, je me voyais travailler dans une petite entreprise Française, proche de ma famille. Maintenant, mes projets se sont énormément élargis. Je...
Jul 13, 2016
People buying property in the Tamarindo area to move down for a season will find this blog useful, whether you are purchasing your home as an investment, a lifestyle dream property, or both, choosing the right area is one of the most important decisions you will make. Obviously your lifestyle should determine where you buy property in Costa Rica....
Jul 06, 2016
So you want to come to the Golden Coasts of Rica? Well it’s your lucky day because this goal has become more attainable than ever before! The avenues and modes of transportation available even within the last year are making that process far easier to facilitate, which means that ultimately it is much more convenient to see the places and...
Jun 16, 2016
Voilà, je vis depuis 1 mois au Costa Rica et j’ai été adoptée par Remax ! Etudiante en seconde année d’école de commerce à Rodez, je suis passionnée par le management, le marketing, la communication, le droit et tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin à la gestion d’une entreprise. Dans le cadre de mon cursus scolaire, je dois réaliser un stage...
May 19, 2016
June 16th to 18th, 2016 Playa Tamarindo, Guanacaste will be the location of the first international fine arts event in the area.  Over three days an estimated 40 local and international artist will display their works in local businesses.  RE/MAX Ocean Surf and Sun is excited they will be included as one of the featured businesses. The...
Estela Reyes
Apr 28, 2016
Potrero Beach is a fantastic Costa Rican beach community.  I have seen many changes in Portero Beach in 16 years, there has been an increase in market value and new people coming to the area in search of a lifestyle change. One of the greatest things about this area is the sense of community.  There are individuals, small business and...
Apr 05, 2016
A Few Of My Favorite Things PART II! In continuation of my last blogs, I would like to share with you a few of my favorite things to enjoy here in Costa Rica. Living here at the beach, you spend lots of time on the oceanfront in Tamarindo, Flamingo and Potrero. You might own a condo in Playa Conchal or Hacienda Pinilla, but what do you do when you...
