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CEPIA - Helping Children in Guanacaste

Courtney Borquet

CEPIA is a nonprofit organization located in Guanacaste. CEPIA stands for Culture, Education, and Psychology for Infants and Adolescents. The association helps children and their families that live in poverty. Currently, the association touches the lives of over 800 children.

There are programs that provide uniforms to children, schools supplies, and sports equipment. Children with disabilities are offered weekly physical therapy sessions and fun road trips to the beach. Kids can participate in the afterschool activities including art classes, sports, English, and computer classes. Afterschool activities are provided at the CEPIA community center in Huacas, and in the 14 surrounding villages in the area.

How can you help CEPIA?

Volunteering - If you are in the area and are interested in volunteering for the association, please call them to request an interview. Volunteer opportunities can range helping for a special event to teaching local children one of your skills.

Material Donations – CEPIA accepts donations for supplies, including art supplies and school supplies. Clothing can be donated to the onsite store that provides clothing to families in need, or are sold at a few dollars per item by local women as a small business project. Furniture and household item donations can be arranged. Please contact CEPIA for a list of material items that are currently needed by the organization. 

children being cared for by CEPIA charity in Costa Rica

Participate In Special Events – CEPIA has two large fundraising events a year. The Black and White Party (Dec 1, 2017) and Robert August Surf and Turf (March 9, 2018). You can donate for the silent auction, or attend the events. It is a great opportunity to help others and have lots of fun.

Financial Donations - CEPIA financial donations are tax deductible in Costa Rica and internationally through our partner associations. Please contact CEPIA for more information. 

CEPIA – - (506) 2653-8533